On this page you can find a complete manual on activities for multi-capacity groups. In addition, you can download the complete manual as well as the chapters with the activities in PDF format. Each activity has several adaptations.
Table of contents
Chapter 4 – CHECKLISTS
4.1 Self assessment as an organiser/facilitator |
● Have I involved and consulted young people with disabilities, youth workers, experts with disabilities to develop the activity materials/resources and training/learning methods? |
● Am I prepared enough? |
● Have I clarified my objectives before the activity? |
● Am I well informed about the target group composition, profile and their specific needs? |
● Am I also aware of the needs of the young people without disabilities in the group? |
● Have I chosen the proper content/methodologies for my objectives and my target group’s profile? |
● Do I have enough time, space, commitment, skills, and personal resources to ensure inclusion? |
● Who am I including and excluding by my decisions, actions? Am I aware of this? |
● Am I personally ready to experience and learn about inclusion? |
● Am I aware of my own misconceptions, stereotypes and limits? How can I work on them? |
● Am I aware that everyone can experience barriers to learning and participation? |
● Am I flexible enough to adapt to unexpected situations? Do I have a plan B, C,D….? |
● Do I have a risk mitigation plan? |
● Do I have a team to back-up and support me through this experience? Are they well prepared? |
● Am I trusting and enjoying the process? |
4.2 Checklist for logistic and practical preparations: | YES | NO |
Have you designed the application process and the form in an accessible and inclusive way? | ||
Have you conducted the recruitment process in a transparent and fair way? | ||
Have you checked all possible travel options and chosen the most convenient for the participants with different needs? | ||
Have you checked whether accessible transportation between the airport/train-bus station and the project venue is available? If not, have you organised accessible transfers accordingly? | ||
Have you picked the venue that meets the accessibility needs of the participants? Have you considered going on a prospect visit before the activity, preferably with a wheelchair user young person in your team? | ||
Have you checked the facilities (e.g. restaurant, leisure time spaces) with regard to accessibility-including vertical and horizontal mobility- and made necessary adjustments? | ||
Do the entrances, accommodation and bathroom facilities meet the accessibility needs of the participants? | ||
Are the bedrooms of the participants with disabilities close or easy to reach the meeting room by themselves? | ||
Is there braille signalisation or raised signs and symbols in places where the blind participant would go? | ||
Is the lighting in the meeting room convenient for the needs of the participants? (e.g. should be not too dark for low sighted participants, not too bright for the persons with albinism) | ||
Are there enough accessible rooms for the group? | ||
Are there accessible toilets close to the meeting rooms and the restaurants in order to avoid going all the way to the accessible bedroom every time for the toilet? | ||
Are the dietary needs and preferences of the participants considered? | ||
Have you prepared information in an accessible format on the practicalities that participants need to consider before and during the project/activity? | ||
Have you searched and made a list of the companies that hire/sell/repair assistive equipment (wheelchairs, batteries, hoists, walking canes, hearing aids, etc.) in case it’s needed? | ||
Do participants need any kind of assistance to participate? Did they request a personal assistant? Did you ask for this information in the application form? | ||
Have you checked whether your participants have any medical conditions that may require urgent attention during the activities such as epilepsy, diabetes or allergies? If yes, what medication do they need? | ||
Have you made a list of emergency contact numbers of people who are familiar with the needs of participants with disabilities and how to deal with them (parents, caregivers, doctors) | ||
Have you checked if any of the participants require a guided orientation tour inside and around the venue upon arrival? | ||
Have you checked if any of the participants require a hearing induction loop? | ||
Have you checked if any of the participants require sign language interpretation? | ||
Have you checked if any of the participants require a palantypist? | ||
Have you checked if any of the participants require a guide dog? If yes have you checked are guide dogs allowed in your venue? | ||
Have you checked if any of the participants with visual impairments require assistive software, hardware equipment? | ||
Have you considered planning sufficient free time needed by participants with disabilities in between sessions? | ||
Have you carefully planned the activity programme considering the group’s needs and expectations? | ||
Have you adapted the methods, approaches and activities to be accessible and inclusive for everyone in the group? | ||
Have you placed the materials within reach (e.g. pens, markers, papers, sticky tapes) and not in inaccessible places? | ||
Have you placed flipcharts to write on at a lower level, within reach of people in wheelchairs? | ||
Have you removed materials/cables/decoration/sharp objects lying around on the floor which might create danger or obstacle for blind participants and/or wheelchair users? | ||
Have you placed the coffee break items (coffee machine, cups, refreshments, plates..etc.) easy to be reached by all the participants independently? | ||
Have you checked/double checked safety procedures and arrangements for the location of the project/activity? Are there any adapted alarms or what could be done to adapt emergency procedures for your group’s needs? | ||
Is there anyone in your team having first aid qualification? | ||
Have you considered creating a backup communication system via whatsapp, messenger or SMS? |