The knot (belgium)
The Knot is a pan-European network organisation that offers trainings to both organisations and institutions related to the youth field, as well as profit aimed businesses that want to profit from the methods and techniques that are developed in the youth work in the international sphere. Through its thorough research The Knot tries to analyse the needs in various regions and various groups of young people, to be able to develop and offer trainings that empower young people within organisations and organisations within society. Its trainings are professionally developed and carried out, but underline the importance of an active role of youth , young adults and their visions on society.

Since 2005 The Knot is involved in projects related to :
- outdoor education,
- project management,
- human right education
- conflict management
- Experiential learning
- Coaching of young people
We are doing those projects in various European and Eastern European countries. Experiential learning throughout our work is a basic principle we use.
Working with youth workers that are working with disadvantaged young people and/or people with fewer opportunities, is a theme in which The Knot has been working also in the last 15 years. Opening up the opportunities for those who don’t have easy access towards the Erasmus+ program and to show the benefits which international work, travelling and meeting new people and friends can have a tremendous impact on somebodies daily life and personal development as person.

Maarten is a 40 years old man with the drive of 18 years old boy. Besides raising his four children, loving his wife, he is a trainer for The Knot and a soul -mate of He is an expert in the practical side of outdoor education projects. Chasing the limits with a big wink to the romantic side of being in nature.
Next to his job as trainer he works as foreman in the Komatsu European headquarter.
And don’t forget: If it is possible than it is possible. And if it is not possible please try.

Ronald is a free-lance trainer from Belgium. He started up The Knot in 2003 together with some international friends. Later on het developed other small projects and organisations as a further conceptual approach within The Knot.
Ronald is a social cultural worker with a focus on: project management, conflict management, team building and group dynamics, outdoor education and experiential learning.
Ronald likes nature and loves to move groups and individuals to their limits and enlarge their comfort zone so that people can grow and discover new things in themselves.
His heart belongs to those with fewer opportunities and to give them t he chance to step into their own development, travels … etc . in order to enlarge their network and possibilities.